<그림 슬리퍼> 저자 크리스틴 펠리섹 선생님의 영어방송 (라디오) 출연 소식을 알려드립니다.
비가 세차게 내리던 날, 영어 방송국으로 향했는데요.
녹음 시작 전 이야기를 나누고 계신 PD님과 작가님
영어방송 녹음실 입구!
여기서 부터 괜히 제가 긴장이 되더라구요..ㅎㅎ
<그림 슬리퍼>에 대해 이야기 중이신 크리스틴 펠리섹 작가님
영어방송 공식 포토존에서 마지막 기념촬영 :)
어떤 이야기가 오갔을지 궁금하지 않으신가요?
궁금하신 분들을 위해 질문 리스트를 공유합니다. :)
>> 질문 리스트
1. Please say hello to our listeners.
2. How does it feel to have your book made available here in Korea (in Korean) as well being invited to the Seoul International Book Fair?
3. Please introduce the Grim Sleeper to our listeners.
4. How did you get involved in these cases?
5. You've been tracking this case for ten years. Why are you so deeply involved in this case?
6. How many murders were committed by Lonnie Franklin and how was he caught?
7. Was there a common denominator amongst the victims?
8. Could you tell us a bit about the lone survivor?
9. Have you yourself ever met/been in contact with Lonnie Franklin?
10. What do you think was the reason for a serial killer to not be caught for 20 years?
11. Your book also tells of irrationalities, things overlooked during the investigation. What were those things?
12. Hatred towards a specific person or group isn’t something that’s seen in the US. We see cases of it all over the world. What do you think are reasons for such feelings towards another person?
13. What was the hardest part during your writing process?
14. Could you tell us the thought process and the work involved when writing an investigative book like the Grim Sleeper?
15. Time magazine had selected your book as 1 of 16 Best True Crime Books of All Time. What would you say is the difference between your book and the other true crime books?
16. You’ve been doing a lot of interviews with broadcasters such as CNN and Fox News. What have you been discussing with them?